
2023年12月18日—FocusBoosterisatimemanagementappthatcanhelpyoufocusonyourtasksathandanddoitinthemostefficientofwaysbydividingyour ...,focusboosterforMacandWindows.Nobrowserneeded.Workwithoutdistractions.Usethepomodorotechniquewithfocusboosterdesktopapps.,Featuresandbenefits·Resistdistractionsandimprovefocus·Accomplishmoreandvisualiseprogress·Productivityanywhere,anytime·Smallfeatureswith ...,20...

Addictive Tools

2023年12月18日 — Focus Booster is a time management app that can help you focus on your tasks at hand and do it in the most efficient of ways by dividing your ...

Download pomodoro desktop app | Windows

focus booster for Mac and Windows. No browser needed. Work without distractions. Use the pomodoro technique with focus booster desktop apps.


Features and benefits · Resist distractions and improve focus · Accomplish more and visualise progress · Productivity anywhere, any time · Small features with ...

Focus Booster - Binaural Beats

2020年10月2日 — Focus Booster App可幫助您緩解壓力,保持精力集中,正念放鬆,並在晚上睡得更好。 雙耳節拍音樂被世界各地的人們以“腦波夾帶”的形式使用-一種用來將大腦 ...

focus booster

focus booster is a step above your average pomodoro timer, it also allows you to record all you sessions and track your productivity. Get more done today.

Focus Booster 善用桌面電子番茄鐘,讓工作專注力加速

如果和我之前介紹的「Keep Focused」相比,Focus Booster無疑更美觀、更醒目,而且也具備了聲音提醒功能,時間間隔也有自訂的彈性,這些方面都比Keep Focused優秀。 但唯一 ...


Simple pomodoro timer. Powerful productivity boost. Stop procrastinating, focus consistently and track your time. Using focus booster you will achieve more, ...

Gya Labs Focus Booster 精油捲入(10 毫升)

如果您很容易分心,這種重點精油滾動可能會有所幫助。 ​ 那些時間繁忙的人可能會享受我們瓶裝的焦油混合機版本中的清澈香味。 ​; 不要讓擔憂付錢。

隨時提醒自己保持專注的三款倒數計時器(Keep Focus、 ...

2011年1月2日 — Focus Booster是一款base on Adobe AIR的軟體,功能也是用來倒數計時。這個軟體就頗美觀,同時也可以設定一個工作區塊的長度和休息時間。比較有趣的是, ...